La la la la

A student asked me: “When do you reave to New York?”

“Watch my mouth,” I said for the fifth time that lesson. “La la la la la,” – taking extra care to visibly flick my tongue between my teeth. “La la la. Leave.”

“Ra ra ra ra.” said my student.

“Watch me. La la la.”

My student opened his mouth to try again, but this time, neither “ra” nor “la” escaped – only a short, deep belch. He clapped his hands to his lips. “Oh no!” he cried.

“Oh no!” I echoed cheerfully. “Try again. Watch me. La la la la la.”

“Ra ra ra,” he said, red-faced. I smiled extra wide to comfort him.

After class, I prepared to swipe on some lipstick and saw that my teeth were spotted with black specks, perhaps from the (gluten and dairy free) nuts I’d eaten before my shift.

What a pair.

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