Today’s secret word is craic. It’s an Irish word – one of those words you can’t really translate into English. Something you feel rather than explain. It’s a noun. It means fun. Liveliness. Spirit? Music’s usually involved, but not specifically music. Craic’s a good thing. You want to be where the craic is. You like […]
Four days left in Dublin. Can two weeks have passed already? I’ve picked up my dry cleaning. I’ve packed my books to ship to me in Italy via An post. I still have to take the ESB out of my name. Close my bank account. Shut down my internet. Get my deposit back from the […]
Sound of Myself
Beyond Sunday roasts and slick rainy streets… beyond lush green parks and Oscar Wilde preening on a rock…. beyond Viking boats and Jo Burger and College Green and Georgian doors, there’s another reason why I’ve been so stupid-happy to be back in Dublin. English. I get to speak English.
The Road to Thesis
Every day for the past year, as I’ve walked into City Centre, this has loomed before me: Winking at me, teasing me; the great big black and yellow sign. Thesis. Thesis. Thesis. Stop looking at me, Thesis. I’ve got a workshop/lecture/travel article/pastie/book launch to get to and… yes, fine; you’re what I came here to […]
The Handyman of Via Bad Homburg

(The sound of whistling up the steps; the loud zap of a doorbell) Leone: Good murning, E. Myself: Salve, Leone. Thank you for coming – this gas leak has really made me nervous. Leone: Nuthing to worry about! Jusht let me see what the prublem ish. Myself: Okay. Please do. I was so nervous about […]
Photo Friday: Cats and Roman Ruins

Cat, always to be/ found prowling Rome’s ancient stones/ You and all your ilk. This post has been brought to you by Delicious Baby Photo Friday.
Shut Up and Drive
I’m sitting on the beach with my mother’s cousin, Flora, and we’re watching the waves rush towards the shore; rush away from the shore; rush towards the shore; rush away from the shore. My toes are in the sand and I smell salt rising from the sea; sunscreen rising from my skin. It’s almost sunset, […]
- Food Culture
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Hungry. Will Stand on Ridiculously Long Line for Seafood.
Walking around City Centre I suddenly realize that, after the 25-minute bike ride into town, I’m feeling too lazy to cook dinner. Well, am I living on the beach or what? Heck yes, I’m living on the beach. That means fresh seafood at bargain price all over the dang place. So I head to a […]
Knock Knock
“Ciao, E.” “Hi, Zia Malvina. How are you?” “I saw that you put a lot of plants on your balcony. Why did you do that?” “What do you mean?” “They’re all out there. And then the tree you have on the other balcony, you should really put a stick in the pot to make sure […]
Photo Friday: Side streets of an Antique Roman City
There’s the beach, there’s the boardwalk; there’s the centro, there’s the plaza. And then there’s the antique city. It’s the high city, up in the mountains, above the discotheques and pizzerias. Houses and towers and churches and temples thousands of years old. That’s Italy for you – casual antiquity. And the churches are lovely. And […]