The last days at home must be touristy – getting in everything “classic” before you go from being a New Yorker to being a person who used to live in New York. Strolls by the Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, a dip into Bloomingdale’s, and a nice hot slice of ultra-touristy Grimaldi’s pizza. Even so, an […]
Expatriate? I Hate You.
Announcing plans to expatriate can elicit a variety of responses. Perhaps the most popular are “You’re moving where?” and “What?” Also popular are “For how long?” and “That’s fantastic.” Occasionally, however, plans to expatriate might inspire these two remarks: You’re so lucky. I hate you/I’m jealous. I’m not particularly fond of these two responses and […]
Sean and I are having lunch in Little Tokyo on St. Mark’s before our yoga class. Little Tokyo wasn’t Little Tokyo when I moved to Japan. There were a couple of sushi places, a JAS Mart, and the now-famous Kenka Ya; one of New York City’s first izakayas. I visited Kenka Ya once with Erma. […]
Rain Rain Rain
Eva: So every weather report I see for Dublin is rain, rain, rain. I guess I should buy some woolens and a pair of wellies for when I move! Sean: Wellies? Oh my lord. Wear normal shoes. No one wears rain boots; you must be joking me. Eva: You don’t wear wellies? Sean: I haven’t […]
A Man Called Sincere
Beginning the apartment hunt – again. Dublin appears to be divided into numbered zones and I’ve been told I should live in Dublin 2, 4, or 6. Sean says apartments come fully furnished in Ireland, which, from what I understand, will include furniture and appliances like a washer and microwave. The rents are what I […]
The 英語の先生’s Top Ten List
If you teach English at an eikaiwa, the higher ups will probably prefer that you arrive in Japan with little to no Japanese ability. This, they believe, improves the chance that you’ll comply with their “English Immersion” policy – i.e., the idea that one hour of exposure to English without translation per week can teach […]
Sheep Ride
Sometimes I wonder if I’m in denial about the fact that in less than 2 months, I’ll be moving to Ireland. I wonder why I’m curiously still about the entire thing; it’s something I’ve been planning for close to a year and studying at “Christminster” is something I’ve dreamed of since I first learned how […]
Japanese Blog Fan Dance
If I could figure out how to do it, I’d put an adorable button on my site that encourages you to become a fan of I Eat My Pigeon on Facebook. But I can’t, so if you’re into it, click here. P.S. Thank you to everyone who voted for I Eat My Pigeon for the […]
Your 171-Word Mini Florida Culture Lesson
There are any number of vermin, reptiles and insect life here on the great limerock state of Florida. I hate most of them, especially the snakes. They are horrible and beady-eyed, writhing sickeningly through the grass. They often blend in with the blades so that every step on a lawn could set off a flickering […]
Ex and Future Patriates
Years before I moved to Japan, my parents were themselves brand new expatriates. They came to the U.S. in 1975, newlywed and broke. My mother cried when she saw the run down Brooklyn apartment they were going to live in. My father flipped burgers in a hospital cafeteria. After my brother and I were born, […]