We’ve carved out a schedule of sorts these days. I’m in class 3 days a week, put in time for the two travel magazines I work for, and write about 20 hours for myself and for school. I cook dinner 5 nights; Monday is pasta, Tuesday is chicken, Wednesday is Hump Day Wild Card, Thursday […]
Recycled Teas
My latest attempt to keep the Euro from kicking my tail; inspired by a billboard I saw while waiting for the bus the other day. No, it doesn’t work.
Please, Sir. May I Have Some More?

My friend Sean’s grandfather is a hale and hearty 80 years old. He talks politics, walks upright, drives at night, and makes his own jam from the fruits and berries in his garden. He serves that homemade jam with his homemade bread when he sits us down for tea. What an absolutely lovely man. We […]
Call Me Snoopy
We live in an old Victorian home. The home’s old bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, etc have been quartered off to form apartments. The entrance of the home is as it was back in its hey day – a carpeted foyer leading to a long, winding up staircase with sturdy white banisters. In front of the staircase […]
Only a couple of weeks in our new neighborhood and already I’m making friends. Patch was my first neighborhood buddy. I met him outside his apartment building, where he was relaxing on the steps. He made the first move, leaping up from his roost to snuggle himself against my legs. Purr, purr, purr. Nuzzle, nuzzle, […]
Open Apology to the Living Statue I Upset on Grafton Street Last Week
Q: How do you make a Grafton Street living statue move? a) Tickle him b) Stick a pin in him c) Shout into his ear d) Attempt to film the pigeon who has roosted on his shoulder and begun eating out of his pipe A: “d” I’m sorry, statue man. I wasn’t trying to make you ruin […]
Sea or Nil?
It’s an exciting time to be in Ireland – native, tourist, or foreigner. It’s a time of debate, a time of political discontent; it’s the second time the Lisbon Treaty has been offered to the Irish public. I’d read a bit about it in various blogs before arriving, but once I stepped out of the airport, […]
Free Dish Soap With Each Membership
Amid the whirl of graduate school applications, international moves, apartment hunting and just plain ol’ adjusting to my third international move in as many years, it has failed to hit me until just recently that I am going to be a student again. As such, I must register at school and pose for a Student ID card. […]
Whack For My Daddy-O
Sean has gone down home to Cork today which means I’m free – free! – for the next 24 hours to window shop and snap photos like a tourist. I can troll the Rimmel section at Boots, try on hats at Topshop, browse issues of Glamour UK at Waterstones, and pose next to Molly Malone […]
While on the Subject of Children’s Games ….
Sean is a karate MASTER which means that his biceps are big and fat. This makes them very nice to punch during a spontaneous game of Punch Buggy when a Volkswagen Beetle passes us outside of The National Museum of Ireland – Archaeology. Sean: Hey! Why did you hit me? Liv: Punch buggy black – […]