… the stinging wind and rain blow so hard that sticking out of a trash bin on Adelaide Road are the remains of a black umbrella – twisted and bent like a mangled bat wing.
Osmosis, Like
Acclimating to a new country is so different this time around, thanks in enormous part to the fact that I speak the official language. As such, I’m able to pick up things about Irish culture simply by listening and looking. It’s learning at its lazy finest. Here, some tidbits I’ve picked up over the past […]
No, Guys – Thank YOU
So there we were at Malahide Castle; ancestral home of the Talbot family. Photography of the fantastical centuries-old furnishings and portraits are strictly forbidden so when we left the castle interior, I sprang like a cat to snap anything I could. While photographing the arched gate-cum-portculis (complete with a mini door for the Puck, the […]
Buy Me, You Fool
In these days of economic crisis, I see signs like this in all the shops. Buy Me, I’m Irish. Irish grown. Support Irish industries. P.S. – We’re Irish. Hey, Mr. Cowen!, emblazoned on a Burger King Recession Special bus stop ad. Some of the stores even list Irish-made products separately on receipts so buyers can […]
Card Cake
Sean’s mother: Bring some of the chocolate cake on the train with you. It’s a long ride back up to Dublin. Liv: Oh, I’m fine. Thank you! Sean’s mother: Ah, go on, sure. Sean: Yeah, go on. Bring some cake witcha. Sean’s brother: Do you want some cards to bring with you on the trip? Liv: Oh, […]
Your 491-Word Irish Mini Culture Lesson
It’s November 1st and my friends back home have commenced the usual Nov. 1 activity: posting Halloween pictures from the night before on Facebook. I’m seeing the traditional slutty nuns, 80s cartoon characters, and props-as-concepts. My friends ask me: “What did you do for Halloween? Do they even celebrate it in Ireland or is it […]
- Food Culture
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A Penguin, an Italian, and a Llama Walk Into a Bar ….
When Sean was growing up, the prize for finishing all of his dinner was a cookie. Now Sean is a adult and he can have 10 cookies if he wants, any time of the day. He often does. Sean loves cookies. He brings home a new package every week to savor while we have our […]