Aquarius Vitamin Water has a new model for their train ads. Eva: Wow. He’s hot. Sean: Him? He’s a tosspot.
Author: ieatmypigeon
- Japan
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Things I Will Miss About Japan
The vast selection of clip on earrings. Many women here don’t have pierced ears, like me. Back home, I’m an oddity. Here, I’m wearing pretty wire-and-aquamarine danglers just like everyone else.
Open Wider
Drinking beer at home with Sean, arguing over who is whose 先輩 (senpai) (superior), and I notice that there is a notification on my beer can claiming that my beer brand is now offering a New! Big! Drinking Hole! Oh, really? Is that so? Well, son of a gun. It sure is.
At the Funeral of a Baby Girl, in Japan
In the old days, the Japanese wore white clothing to funerals. Nowadays, black is the color of choice so I am perched on a small couch with a handful of other guests, wearing charcoal gray pants that don’t quite match my black work shirt. I feel a little uncomfortable about them, but I have to […]
- Japan
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How the Grinch Stole Setsubun, Part 1
They’ve been out my window for 3 days and nights now; screaming morning to night, dark or shine. I have had enough. Today it’s even raining and they’re still out there. いらっしいませ。いかがですか。Come on in, sir! How about it, sir? Squid on a stick! Yakitori! Takoyaki! Hello Kitty candy apples! Squid omelets! Stir fried noodles! How […]
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Present for you!
It’s February. I have changed the page on my ultra, ultra cute Yuki Takeuchi art calendar and notice that there are few enough days left of my time in Japan that I can count them. Hmn. To distract myself from the upcoming megastress, here is a snapshot of said adorable calendar’s February page: Usagi-chan says, […]
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You Might Be a Foreigner in Japan If …
… a small part of you dies each time you’re confronted with squat toilets in a public bathroom.
Buon Giorno
Two weeks ago, I went to the bakery outside my Friday school for my usual chocolate croissant and ordered my pastry in Japanese. On that particular day, however, the girl at the counter ignored the fact that I’d already told her what I wanted and asked me in English, “What would you like?” I repeated […]