OLD MAN ANGELO: All men cheat on their wives.
ME: Is that so.
OLD MAN ANGELO: Yes. In fact, there is only one woman a man will never cheat on.
ME: Really.
OLD MAN ANGELO: Yes. A pumitrozzola.
ME: A what now?
OLD MAN ANGELO: A pumitrozzola. It’s a portmanteau. PU – puttana*- MI – mignotta* – TRO – troia* – ZZO – zzoccola* – LA – latrina*. A woman who is a pumitrozzola will never get cheated on.
*whore, whore, whore, whore, whore
ME: So men should marry whores?
OLD MAN ANGELO: That’s not what I’m saying.
ME: That’s exactly what you’re saying.
Hilarious! And slightly disturbing. 😉
That’s Old Man Antonio in a nutshell!