Your 102-Word Mini Irish Culture Lesson

When someone says these words:

Silence in the courtyard, silence in the street
The biggest fool in Ireland is just about to speak
Speak, fool, speak!

… you say nothing, because the “Silence in the Courtyard” game has begun. You are to stay perfectly quiet and if you speak, you are “out.”

Tonight, the biggest fool in Ireland is an American and that American fool is me. When Sean’s little cousin Connor spoke those words at dinner, I thought he was reciting a lovely poem. Before I could figure out why a 5 year-old would have any kind of poetry memorized, I was “out.” Fool me once, Connor.

0 Replies to “Your 102-Word Mini Irish Culture Lesson”

  1. I haven’t heard that in ages – I guess i need more 5-yr olds in my life! Glad the Ireland move is going well for you – it does get weirder every day!
    Found your blog on expat-blogs (although I think I accidently deleted a comment you made on mine ages ago? or maybe it ws another american moving from japan??)

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