
From the 15 bus window, on the Upper East Side, an enterprising New York City youth selling lemonade on the sidewalk.

No coins on the table. A wrinkled brow. No customers.

It’s always the little guy that gets hurt. Sorry, friend. If I weren’t on this bus right now, I’d buy a cup.

This post has been brought to you by Deliciousbaby Photo Friday.

0 Replies to “Lemonade”

  1. At TBEX last weekend, we all passed by a bake sale on the way to the lunch venue. I was one of the few people who stopped to buy cookies (they were delicious) but it really struck me to think about what it would be like to set up a bake sale in the middle of a bustling city.

    Your post made me wish I’d taken a moment to get a shot!

    Thanks so much for sharing this in Photo Friday

    1. ieatmypigeon says: Reply

      Thank YOU for reading. I wish I could have been at TBEX; I got back to New York a couple of days too late to join the fun. But it sounds like it was a really great time for all.

  2. Sure hope he didn’t drink any profit he might have received!

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