When Worlds Collide

Grow up in America and you might equate potato pancakes with Hanukkah. Here in Germany, however, potato pancakes – or Kartoffelpuffers – are eaten year round by all; usually at streetmarkets, enjoyed with a glass of cold wine or beer. In Cologne, where we’re spending the day, they call ’em Schnibbelkuchens. Me? I call ’em “Kommetomamas.” Whatever name they go by, they are sumptuous little critters; crispy and greasy with a comforting hit of mealiness that melts in your mouth. They’re often served plain or with applesauce, and in this region, topped with pink slabs of smoked lox.

This little baby is definitely ready for its close up, Mr. DeMille.

But wait. What’s all this?

It’s bacon! Bacon, hidden underneath the lox – a salty, chewy, surprise. Bacon and lox. Polar opposites of the health spectrum, yet such an exquisite combination. It’s a match!

This post has been brought to you by WanderFood Wednesday.

0 Replies to “When Worlds Collide”

  1. Oh MY! I would commit a crime for one of these!

  2. Latkes (another name for potato pancakes to add to your list) AND bacon!? Oh dear… yum.

    1. ieatmypigeon says: Reply

      Latkes is the only name I’ve ever known for them, but it doesn’t seem to be used in Germany. Schnibbelkuchen is much more fun to say! But seriously, I’m telling you… the lox topping seemed a bit odd to me but paired with the bacon? WOW. Just… wow.

  3. Oh. My. God. What a great combination. Suddenly I don’t feel as if I ate lunch yet!

    1. ieatmypigeon says: Reply

      Me, neither, Margo. Drool.

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