Lunch at Temple Bar

Audrey Hepburn I ain’t, 5th Avenue this isn’t. It’s Temple Bar; once Dublin’s Jewish ghetto and now a nightlife/tourist hub extraordinaire. At noon on a damp, rainy day there are less tourists than there are commuters. The cobblestone streets are slick, shining softly under the overcast sky. Objective: to enjoy some lunch in the scenic neighborhood; have had pasties on the brain all through my morning workshop.

Hanley’s Cornish Pasties located on Merchant’s Arch; Celtic heritage bakers since 1860. Today’s lunch is a “traditional” pasty – savoury crust, tender hunks of beef, juicy carrots, earthy parsnips and potatoes.


Steaming hot pocket of joy.

Chomp away while staring down narrow stone lanes, pubs named after Hanoverian-era writers, and 5 euro lunch menus for future reference. Watch my reflection in smudged windows; look at pretty things I can’t afford.

This post has been brought to you by WanderFood Wednesday.

8 Replies to “Lunch at Temple Bar”

  1. Do they sell only one kind of pastry?

    1. ieatmypigeon says: Reply

      No, Yogialb; they sell several different varieties. Actually, I went to the shop hoping to score a chicken and veg pasty, but they weren’t ready yet and I was too hungry/greedy to wait an hour for them to finish baking! Looking forward to trying more flavors ….

  2. gowiththeebb says: Reply

    I enjoyed your post – it makes me want a pasty, which might be hard to come by in Singapore. I spent a weekend in Cornwall (Looe) last fall and found the perfect pasty shop with traditional and interesting flavors. Unfortunately, the first day they were already sold out and the next they weren’t ready by the time I had to leave. I went to one of the other many pasty shops, but still regret the one that got away!

    Hope you get a chance to try them all!

  3. That looks so good. I’m just about to have lunch and it won’t be nearly as delicious as your “pocket of joy”.

  4. I’d love to try a chicken one — yum!

  5. omg this looks SOOOO good. love the street photos, too!

  6. ieatmypigeon says: Reply

    I’m glad you guys enjoyed the post; I definitely enjoyed the pasty! And Travelogged, I got to try a chicken and veg one yesterday. Sooo tasty; chicken, potatoes, white meat, and a light cream sauce.

  7. Great pictures. I am glad I had lunch before I saw this, because it definitely sets me drooling. I should make some pasties–haven’t done that in a long time.

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