Sunday, Sunday: Two Day Trips in Ireland

We’ve carved out a schedule of sorts these days. I’m in class 3 days a week, put in time for the two travel magazines I work for, and write about 20 hours for myself and for school. I cook dinner 5 nights; Monday is pasta, Tuesday is chicken, Wednesday is Hump Day Wild Card, Thursday is fish and Friday is International Surprise (!). Saturday is the day we clean the apartment and the night we try out a Dublin restaurant. Finally, Sunday is “trad night,” when we enjoy some traditional culinary delights. Sunday has been dubbed “trad night” due to convenience because Sunday is also known as “day trip time” around these here parts. When you’re visiting a famous Irish spot, you tend to want something potato-ey for dinner. Three Sundays ago, we took the bus down to the old fishing village of Howth:

Moody gray Irish coastline

“Now don’t you be whingeing about food again, Mary; you’re just after having had some seafood chowder at the pub.”

The Irish Sea

Fish is life.

The Bloody Stream – a lovely pub, purportedly built upon the site of a 12th century battle during the Norman Conquest of Ireland. There, I enjoyed a pot of fine mussels alive alive-o and some of the best seafood chowder I’ve ever tasted; piping hot, brewed with savory salmon and dill. Afterwards, a stroll past the boutiques and tugboats while enjoying vanilla ice cream cones before the bus ride home. 


Last Sunday, we took the 44 Bus to Powerscourt; a stunning heritage property located among the famed Wicklow Mountains in the small village of Enniskerry. Powerscourt began its life as a 13th century Anglo-Norman castle in possession of the le Poer family. Through the centuries, it’s been held by several other powerful British and Irish families. In the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, a succession of whimsical castle extensions and fantastic gardens were built. This particular day trip was just perfect to get me in the mood for Part 3 of the BBC’s Emma miniseries, premiering that night. 


Walking to Powerscourt from Enniskerry


The entrance to Powerscourt

A long, leisurely walk through the countryside to the manor


Lovely manor amid the Irish countryside. Galloping horses and lords not included. 

Entering the manor

In the Italian Gardens

“Oh, Mr. Churchill, we must have ourselves a ball!”

“Mr. Elton, why do you not ride with Harriet? She would ever so enjoy your company.” 

“Emma, dear, fancy an excursion to Box Hill? The weather is most fine!”

P.S. Emma Part 3 was excellent.

Had my camera battery not died, there would have also been pictures of the Japanese garden and its beautiful technicolor momiji, the azalea and rhododendron garden, and the delicious pie-rific trad dinner of Shepherd’s Pie, Chicken and Mushroom Pie, and Apple Pie we shared back in Enniskerry at a charming cafe.

Next week: down to Cork to visit Sean’s family. Perhaps a trip to Blarney Castle is in order, if Sean can overcome his terror of being mistaken for a tourist.

0 Replies to “Sunday, Sunday: Two Day Trips in Ireland”

  1. Oooh, I’ve been hankerin’ for a good salmon dill chowder lately. Maybe I’ll make one up here shortly – I have a recipe, even! Powerscourt is where they filmed “The Count of Monte Cristo” some years back. I took pictures of cows there. Moo.

  2. Such pretty pictures 😀 😀 😀 😀 And now you have me interested in this whole Emma thing, even though it sounds purely out of my range of style. Oh well – television = excitement 😀

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