Things I Will Miss About Japan

The vast selection of clip on earrings. Many women here don’t have pierced ears, like me. Back home, I’m an oddity. Here, I’m wearing pretty wire-and-aquamarine danglers just like everyone else.

0 Replies to “Things I Will Miss About Japan”

  1. Clip on earrings are small, and don’t weigh very much. I say you go on a frenzy right before you leave, and secrete them in all your pockets. That way when you wear a pair of pants it’ll be like “SURPRISE! Earrings!” and it’ll be exciting. Then again, I get really surprised at small things…

  2. Where do you find them, Liv? I, too, have unpierced ears and a friend told me about all the Japanese clip ons and I haven’t been able to find any yet. Is one of the departos particularly good for it? I was hoping to get some glass ones in Hokkaido last week but they were all for pierced ears 🙁

  3. Kao, I plan to stock up heavily before I leave. I’ve never seen so many pretty, wearable clip-ons before, and the brand I like is actually quite affordable.

    Danielle, I’ve seen clip-ons in many different places (strangely enough, not Loft) but I’ve had the best luck at Takashimaya. Pretty pretty!

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