The Week in Numbers

Plates of delicious curry rice eaten: 1

Tailless stray kitties seen: 7

Breaks at work enjoyed: 1

Hangovers suffered: 1

  • beers drank up: 3
  • bottles of warm sake enjoyed: 1/2
  • drunken rants: 2

3 year-old nose pickers: 2

7 year-old toenail biters: 2

5 year-old toe suckers: 2

Children put in the corner: 1

Kanji learned: 5

Dinners cooked at home: 0 (ha!)

Sore throats endured: 2

Inspiring conversations shared: 1

Bicycles dodged: 50+

Tomatoes enjoyed from my tomato plant: 0 … still

Servings of sushi gobbled: 8

Japanese novels translated into English begun: 1

  • References to living in Japan understood within the first100 pages: 5

Isometric exercises secretly carried out during awkward adult classes to quell boredom and improve my ever-fattening bottom: 1000s

Trains ridden: 12

Yen spent on train travel: 4220

Yen spent on the phone bill: 2990

Yen charged for utilities: 6100

Yen spent on a heather gray on-sale sweater: 1450, marked down from 6000

Instances where “sumimasen” was uttered: countless

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