no escape

I remember something else from last night at the 300 yen bar: Alan told me that he’d taught one of my students, realizing she had been one of mine when he recognized my handwriting in the roll book. “Ah, you took a class from my friend, Liv!” he told her. “Yes!” she said. “She is so nice. She is so pretty! She looks like Phoebe Cates!” I was abashed but secretly pleased, until Alan said:

“Yeah, I mean, whatever. I think you look more like Sarah Silverman …”

Oh, no, he didn’t. Since moving to Japan, I have managed to avoid the scourge of misguided people who for some reason insist on telling me I look like a person who, apart from dark hair and eyes and girl parts, looks nothing like me (not that Phoebe Cates looks much like me apart from said dark hair, eyes and girl parts, but still). After spending a month with the gang of Westerners I’ve come to know and hearing nothing about S.S., I had come to believe I was safe …


0 Replies to “no escape”

  1. although i personally don’t think you look like sarah silverman at all, i think you’d have to cut your hair to stop the comparisons. sheesh!

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